Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Les Chateaux de la Loire - Presentation

In Unit 7, you will explore Les Chateaux de la Loire

On your own time you will do research on your chateau.  Your chateau will be chosen randomly on Wednesday, February 6th.  On  Block Day, February 20th, you will submit a VISUAL presentation to be shared with your classmates.



Your visual (value 50 points) will include:
  • an image of your chateau  (5 pts)
  • an image with a map showing location of your chateau (5 pts)
  • specific "must know" details about your chateau (this depends on each specific chateau and its significance)  (10 pts)
  • one specific detail that the rest of us need to know that sets this chateau apart from all the others (10 pts)
  • a place or something nearby that is interesting for us to visit as well (5 pts)
  • your work must be well labeled (5 pts)
  • writing must be legible and large enough to see from 5 feet out (5 pts)
  • submitted on time (5 pts)
If someone is not happy with your choice, I have yet another chateau to offer someone (written after A set on Wed, Feb 6th)...-Mme.

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